Thursday, June 23, 2011

Albums Worth Listening To

Hope you enjoyed my easy 8bit tutorial. Now here's some albums I've been listening to, and I definately recommend checking them out

I've been in love with Rise Against ever since I first heard "Ready To Fall" I'm not so good at writing so you just have to trust my recommendation, Metacritic rating is 76. And my rating would have to be 8/10. 
My favorite song from this album is "Survivor's Guilt"

MCR is a great band, although I would have to say out of all their albums its my least favorite. I even kinda enjoyed Glee's performance of "Sing", Glee is a interesting show only because its really the first popular mucial tv show. So I would have to say they were kinda sellouts. when comes to this album. my favorite song from this album is NA NA NA NA BATMAN. Metacritic gave this a 70. I give this 6/10 But its still worth listening to if you a fan of the romance